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Instagram Analytics are Here!

Instagram have finally rolled out a tonne of new features that, in all honesty, should’ve existed right from the start. But oh well, at least they’re here now…

Introducing Instagram for business

A little while back, Instagram took to their business blog to announce the release of business accounts on the photo sharing platform. After waiting for what seemed like years for the option to be rolled out, it’s finally landed. Not a business? Not a problem. As long as you have a Facebook page linked to your account you can make the switch and unlock all the features. Marvellous.

What’s so great about it?

So not only will your potential clients be able to easily access all the important stuff right from your Instagram profile such as addresses and contact details, you’ll also have access to a whole host of information that was previously kept hidden. These features include:

  • Impressions – The total number of times your post has been seen.
  • Reach – The number of unique accounts that saw your post.
  • Website clicks – The number of accounts that have visited the website you have linked to on your profile.
  • Follower activity – The average times your followers are on Instagram and which days see the most activity on your profile.

You can also take a peek into where your followers are located and the amount of followers you have within certain age brackets, as well as being able to view your male:female ratio.

As if this wasn’t enough, business account holders can promote their posts directly from Instagram, similarly to how you are able to with posts on a Facebook page, with what resembles a micro version of the Advert Manager app.

So whilst we’re scratching our heads trying to work out why these features haven’t existed until now, not even on a 3rd party app, it’s great to see that Instagram have finally brought all of this out.