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The big wide social-media world

It is near on impossible to get away from social media, whether it be from a scroll through Facebook to a message sent on Whatsapp. Millions of us use these different platforms every single day but which are the most popular? Thanks to Buffer, we found all the stats to share with you below…

In FIRST place, yep, you guessed it…FACEBOOK, with an impressive 2.23 billion active monthly users (that’s almost a third of the world’s population – crazy right?) Facebook is one of the easiest forms of social media due to it accepting practically any form of content from still images to a simple text status update. Millions of businesses worldwide utilise Facebook and have set budgets to advertise their services and products on the platform.

Coming in at No.2 we have YouTube at 1.9 billion monthly active users. Video content is what social media is all about at the minute, so it makes sense for the second biggest channel to be a video-sharing platform. YouTube is owned by Google and falls just behind it in being the second largest search engine!


At 3 we have, Whatsapp! The platform currently has 1.5 billion monthly active users and is used across 180 countries worldwide! Initially Whatsapp started as a general messaging tool between friends and families but now it is used by businesses globally.


Another messaging tool is at 4, Facebook Messenger. Messenger was previously just in-app add-on within Facebook which enabled you to message friends and family members all within the same app. Now Facebook has expanded Messenger and created it’s own standalone app. Messenger is now used heavily within the advertising industry with Messenger specific ads!


At 5 we have one you may not have heard of… We Chat. We Chat is popular in China and some parts of Asia. It did start as another messenger tool, however, We Chat has expanded rapidly and now users can shop online and make payment offline, transfer money, make reservations, book taxis, and more. We Chat now has 1.06 billion monthly active users!

At 6 it’s Instagram! We KNOW you’ve all heard of Instagram, with 1 billion active monthly users it’s definitely a popular network. Instagram is used worldwide for personal use and business too. Instagram has also recently tapped into the ever-growing video world by introducing IGTV.


There’s so many different social networks to choose from it can be overwhelming and a real struggle from a business perspective figuring out which ones to use.


If you’re struggling then come to our next Sessions event which is being held at our office in Kings Lynn. The event is solely based on how to reach your audience on social media on a budget, and we will be delving into a few of these different networks. Click the link below to get your ticket today!


To see more dates for our upcoming sessions head over to our Sessions page!